Saturday, August 14, 2021

Celebrating my Heritage: Luxembourg Fest Parade

 Mom grew up in Belgium and has Luxembourg heritage. Luxembourg Fest is held every August in Belgium. I jut never went to it. This year I headed home for the weekend because the hubby was in Iowa and planned on going to the parade and maybe the festival.

I met Ryan, Tracy and Carly at the their house and we walked down to the parade route which isn't too far from their house. Even though we got to the parade route less than 15 minutes before the start of the parade, we had front row seats. This doesn't usually happen in other parades I've been to including the goat parade in Sister Bay. 

It was your typical Wisconsin parade


Old cars

Some dancing grannies

Some tractors

But there was no cement trucks

It was a nice little parade with lots of candy. Instead of walking down to the park for the festival we headed back to Ryan's house for lunch.

If the schedule allows, I would go again and make sure I visit the festival. No I still won't have treipen. -- a type of blood sausage. 

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