Sunday, August 8, 2021

4969. Go to the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary in Green Bay

 Due to unforeseen circumstances, the rest of our girls' weekend plans in Door County were cut short. We had to get the tire repaired in Green Bay which by the time it was fixed, made no sense to try to go back to Door County. We made the most of it though by browsing Barnes and Nobles. Since it was early enough when the car got done, we headed over to the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary.

Since neither of us were never there, we opted to start at the Observation Building and the Birds of Prey area.

The birds of prey were very cool. There were a lot of hawks and eagles. 

Inside the building were some turtles and other animals on rehab. I looked for Jake the turkey but didn't find him.

Back outside, you could feed the geese and ducks. But holy moley batman, the amount of geese and ducks in the area is insane. You have to be extra vigilant of where you step so you don't step in bird poop. I personally was not very fond of all the birds and their droppings. It took away from the experience. If I wanted to see geese and geese poop, I'd stayed home. We have enough around the apartment complex.

We did walk across the floating boardwalk and saw the (Fake) waterfalls. 

We were not impressed with what we saw. We opted not to go to the nature center since we figured it would be like any other Wisconsin Nature Center. Looking at the map, I kind of wish we did go to the other side as there is a lookout tower. That might have actually been cool.

If you have kids, they will enjoy feeding the duck and geese. The trails are on the other side by the nature center which they will probably enjoy. It is free to visit so it's a good way to burn off some energy. I just was not impressed. Maybe you will find it more entertaining than I did. 

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