Tuesday, August 10, 2021

3214. Eat BBQ in Kansas City

 I love BBQ especially brisket and pulled pork. I also love going to local places on vacation. I just wasn't sure if the hubby would agree to eat BBQ in Kansas City since he is not really a BBQ lover since he does not like really like pork. While talking to the local tournament director at the Ohio Valley Regions last month, he was showing me pictures of the BBQ he ate in Kansas City and suggested two places -- Arthur Bryant's and Gates BBQ. I figured if he was recommending some place, the hubby would be more apt to try it. 

Even though my cousin also recommended Gates, after doing some research I opted to go with Arthur Bryant because it has been around for over a hundred years where Gates has only been around for about 5 year. I figured if it lasted that long it had to be doing something right.

The menu is pretty basic -- your choice of meat on wonder bread. They also have a few specialty sandwiches, chicken, and world famous ribs. If you order double meat and fries to go, they wrap it up in butcher paper and hand you what looks to be a football. It is huge.

I opted for brisket while the hubby went with turkey. Like all BBQ, you get to add the sauce yourself. The hubby went with a bold and spicy while I stuck with the original. Both were very good. 

The food was amazing. I managed to eat half my sandwich. It was that huge but really good. I am glad we didn't get fries. The sandwich was plenty.

I would highly recommend Arthur Bryant if you are looking for some quick BBQ. It is cafeteria style so you get your food immediately. It is also close to the Negro Baseball Museum which was another reason why I picked it, it was near where we were. 

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