Saturday, August 7, 2021

5009. See the Hardy Gallery in Ephraim

 There was only one reason I wanted to go to Hardy Gallery in Ephraim. I want to take a picture of it. It is one of the most photographed spots in Ephraim. 

The iconic wooden warehouse features the names of sailors and artists, if I remember correctly, along it's siding. Originally sailors would inscribe their name on the building when they docked in Ephraim. Now I think artists do the same. Or anybody for that matter. What you get is a colorful, graffiti looking building that is the perfect backdrop for Instagram worthy photos. 

So we took a few pictures outside.

Then we actually did what not a lot of people do when they stop to take that must have photo and we went inside to check out the art. The gallery is free to visit but no pictures are allowed. It was currently showing pieces for the Collection Invitational Silent Auction. You could bid on a piece and leave your contact information. Starting bids were way out of my price range. 

They also had a mosaic made of different tile where you could buy a tile and at the end of the show, they would randomly mail you one. Some of them were very basic others were very creative. Some were 2D, others were 3D.

I challenge you to actually visit the gallery the next time you are in Ephraim and not just snap that selfie. You won't regret it. You will see some truly amazing pieces of art. It is only open on the weekends though 10-5 on Saturdays and 12-5 on Sundays. 

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