Saturday, August 7, 2021

5016. Go to Alexander Noble House in Fish Creek

 As I was planning Girl's Weekend, I saw that the Alexander Noble house was on my bucket list. I added it to the list on of the things to do on Saturday. Stacy takes a look at the list and was like that is a lot of things to do. I filled the schedule to the brim just in case and the Alexander Noble house wasn't high on the list. We actually didn't have time to visit it before it closed. It turns out the trolley tour gave us an after dark visit. Score!

The Alexander Noble house was built in 1875 and was the first home in Fish Creek and is supposedly haunted which is why we stopped on our trolley tour. I don't remember all the details but if I recall correctly, there was a fire and an older women was killed. She later showed up in a photograph and can be seen in tourists' picture.

We were not that lucky to feel the presence of the ghost. We were able to go in to parlor, kitchen, and upstairs to several of the bedrooms. A few rooms we were not allowed in. Maybe they had to much of an ghostly presence.

The house is a very nice house. It was interesting to learn about the family and their home. 

Since I seen it after dark, I do not need to go back in the daylight hours. I personally would recommend doing it after hours on the trolley tour but if you are afraid of ghosts, you might want to stick with visiting during the day. 

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