Sunday, August 15, 2021

910. Go to the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center

 I've wanted to go to the Audubon Nature Center in Brown Deer for years but since moving to the Fox Valley years ago, it's been a little more difficult. I didn't want to drive almost 2 hours to go to a nature center when I have several within 15 minutes of me. Then a friend went and I was like I'm definitely getting there this year. So I decided to go when the hubby was in Iowa and I was back home for the weekend.

The Schlitz Audubon Nature Center is located in Brown Deer on Lake Michigan. It is actually the former home of the Schlitz Farm, as in the Schlitz Brewing Company, and is where their horses rested after pulling the beer wagons. Admission is $8/adult and $5/kids. It is open 9-5 daily.

After paying the entrance fee, I started wandering trails. There are over 6 miles of trails through forests, prairies, wetlands, and Lake Michigan Shore. 

My first stop was the Observation Tower. It is a 60 foot tower and is a relatively easy climb to the top. The views are quite nice as well. Definitely worth the climb.

From there I just wandered whatever trail peaked my interest. I tried to keep close to the Nature Center because I had only about an hour or so to explore. I explored mainly the Lake Terrace Loop and the Central Wetlands Loop.

I saw Mystery Lake, Dragonfly Pond, and Molly's Pond. That's what I liked about the nature center many different habitats and water views. 

Some of trails were more rugged than others. There were a lot of boardwalks as well.

I definitely want to go back and continue to explore what I have not seen and the trails I have seen. You definitely need to explore the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center if you are in the area or find a nature center near you and explore. Go get your nature on. 

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