Saturday, August 7, 2021

4970. Go to Fonferek Glen in Green Bay

 When planning girls weekend, I looked at things we could do on the way up to Door County. Since I've not been to Fonferek Glen, I thought that would make a nice first stop. And if you are coming up 43 to Door County, especially in the spring and early summer, I would recommend making a stop here as well.

Fonferek Glen is a county park in Brown County. It is actually a conservatory area. It is in a pretty rugged setting. Parking is limited and if it is full, there is no parking on surrounding streets. 

The terrain is very rugged. There are signs that say dangerous conditions exist. Trails are not marked and aren't really kept up. 

We did walk a few trails trying to get to the bottom but they were rugged and steep and way more challenging than I was up to in the morning. We did see some very cool rock formations though on the along the trails we did check out. 

The highlight of Fonferek Glen is a 30 foot waterfall. Except I didn't do my research too real and it was pretty much dry. It turns out the waterfall is usually dry in mid to late summer and during droughts. There was a trickle of water.

It was actually so low we could walk across the top of the waterfall with relative ease as we hopped from dry spot to dry spot.

The waterfall empties into a giant pool. From up on top, the hole looks to go forever and I'm not sure I want to explore that swimming hole.

I definitely need to go back when there is a waterfall and even in winter when it is frozen. It is gorgeous and the being part of the Niagara Escarpment, the rock formations are stunning. It is a definite geological wonder. 

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