Wednesday, August 11, 2021

2403. Go to Trainland USA in Colfax

 As we drive through Iowa, the hubby sees the sign for Trainland USA outside of Des Moines. He keeps saying he wants to go. Of course they are only open seasonally and not when we go through on our way to Arizona. Since we were going to go through Iowa, I said we could go this trip. I was not looking for to this stop at all. I was kind of over the whole railroad thing but I said we'd go. Then I saw that there were only open on weekends this year or by appointment. So the hubby made me call and yes they would open it for us on way through. Oh goody. I thought I had my out but no such luck.

Okay asmuch as I was dreading going to Trainland USA, I have to admit it was worth the stop. It is a giant model railroad (O-line if you really must know). It is set up to showcase the US. You start from New York and go to San Francisco down outer wall of the room. Then you go from San Fran to Omaha on the inside of the wall. The control room is huge. 

The details are amazing. There is both day and night exhibits. They do turn off the lights to give the nighttime feel. You have many national landmarks. I joked we traveled the entire US in a few minutes.

The giraffes at the circus really move their heads up and down in the train cars.

There is a scavenger hunt you can do and try to find objects in each area. I was too busy looking at the display to remember to look for the what was on the scavenger hunt. 

After looking at the trains inside, we went outside where they had several actual train cars. 

One was a shop that sold every imaginable model railroad piece you'd ever need to start your own display. The hubby was in seventh heaven. He actually got a kick talking to the old-timer about trains. I found the collection of train lanterns impressive. The square one was from a Nazi train in WWII.

There was also depot that was not open because the worker couldn't come in special for us. We still peeked in the window.

The hubby was in awe since we drove. It was definitely worth the stop and the $7.50/person admission fee. We weren't the only ones there either so I didn't feel so bad. The owner said several people dropped in on their way through so it was a productive day to be open. 

If you even have a remote interest in model railroads or did going up, you definitely want to check out this place. It is indescribable. 

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