Friday, October 15, 2021

An Snail Shopping Adventure

I'm always up for an adventure. Some of the adventures may seem like every day ordinary things but what fun is ordinary. Always try to have some fun in your life and make some adventures. So when Heather asked if I wanted to go snail shopping with her, I decided it sounded like fun.

What I know about snails can probably fit in a thimble. They are slow moving gastropods that some cultures find delicious. I have never really seen a real snail, looked for snails, or eaten snails. I did make snail book art once though. Yet I was going snail shopping.

Why were we going snail shopping in the first place? Heather wanted a snail for her fish tank at school. Since her bearded dragon died over summer, she opted to get fish as her new class pet. Now she decided the tank needed an algae eating snail to help keep the tank clean and the fish alive.

Did you know you can buy snails at Petco? Neither did I but that's where we went on our snail shopping adventure. Prior to googling, Heather found a rabbit snail that sounded really cool and that is what we were looking for.

After wandering around the fish tanks for a bit, we finally found the snail tank. There weren't many snails in it and there weren't very active. It turns out the rabbit snail is too big for her little tank. It can get up to 4 inches. 

We tracked down someone to help us get a snail out of the tank. He was new but quite helpful. Together with another employee, we were able to determine which snail was alive and back him (her?) up. Heather ended up getting an Inca Gold snail. 

I named him Sir Slime a Lot. Heather wanted to call him Speedy. The class actually named him Turbo. He is doing well in school and moves around quite a bit from what Heather told me.

I learned there are many different types of snails for your fish tank.. some bigger than others. I don't plan on getting any fish or snails in the future but if you need me to tag along when you get one, I'll be more than happy to. It could be an adventure.

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