Saturday, October 2, 2021

5079. Become part of the Bitters Club at Nelson’s on Washington Island

 We were watching Travel Wisconsin one morning and they did an episode on Door County. They mentioned becoming a member of the Bitters Club at Nelson's on Washington Island. I decided I had to do that. The hubby even thought I should do it. So when we were planning our trip to Washington Island, I made sure Nelson's was on the list.

What is the Bitters Club? It is a tribute to Tom Nelson who kept Nelson's Hall operating during prohibition by serving Angostura Bitters as a treatment for stomach ailments. Since Angostura Bitters is so potent, the judge ruled it couldn't be a beverage since it tastes so terrible. Now people can join the club by doing a shot of Angostura Bitters. 

Everyone thought I was nuts for doing a shot of bitters since it is supposed to taste horrible. Isn't that what the judge in Prohibition ruled? Well, disgusting or not I could handle one shot.

The waitress poured me a shot of bitters and had me sign my name into the official book. She said she would be back to make it official. 

I knocked back that shot with no problem. 

The waitress came back, dipped her thumb in my empty shot glass, and put her thumb print on my official membership card. I was now a member of the Bitters Club. The hubby was too scared to try it.

How did it taste? I thought it tasted like a cross between root beer and cinnamon. I guess people either like it or hate it. I didn't think it was bad... maybe that's from drinking old fashioneds. I would do another. 

If you have the nerve to become a member of the Bitters Club, do it. It might be the worst $5 you spend but at least you can say you've done it. 

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