Saturday, October 2, 2021

5081. Go to Island Orchard Cider in Ellison Bay

 After checking out Death Door's Maritime Museum, we had a couple hours to kill before dinner. Like always I had back up plans figured out. I asked the hubby if he wanted to go to Island Orchard Cider for some cider tasting since we were nearby. Surprisingly he said "yes"

Island Orchard Cider is in Ellison Bay (near the top of the peninsula) kind of wedged between two roads off of Hwy 42. I remember passing it yesterday on the way to Ellison Bluff Natural Area. We came from the north and ended up in a back parking lot. We followed the signs to the actual Cidery. 

We opted to do a flight of ciders. The price of a flight depended on what kind of cider you got. The classics were $2 each, the reserves were $3 each, and the specialties were $4-$5 each. We opted to do a flight of four and stuck with the classics. These are all hard ciders.

We sampled the following. The hubby and I each picked two and then we shared. 

Pear Cider -- By far our favorite. It was smooth and had a wonderful flavor. We bought a bottle of this.

Apple Cherry Cider -- This wasn't bad. It had a nice flavor but the pear was just that much better. If we didn't have the pear, we would have probably gotten this. I liked the red color of this one too.

Brut Apple Cider -- This was our least favorite. It was dry and just like traditional apple cider. It was nothing special.

Oak Aged Cider -- Surprisingly this one wasn't bad. It was more dry but still good. I would drink this one again.

We took our flight and actually found a table outside. There is a small seating area inside, outside, and around back. Since it was such a nice day people were sitting where ever could to share a flight with family and friends.

The fact it is in Ellison Bay is a bit sad for me since I rarely venture north of Ephraim when in Door County. I may have to make the trek farther up the peninsula in the future to get some more cider. This place is definitely worth the drive and worth checking out if you are at all a hard cider drinker. Next time I want to try their ice cider.

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