Saturday, October 2, 2021

5097. Play mini golf at Red Putter Mini Golf in Ephraim

 I knew I wanted to mini golf after our trip to Washington Island and I wanted to do it at Red Putter because it was old school mini golf. The hubby is always up for a game of golf.

Red Putter Mini Golf is in Ephraim.. technically it is north of Ephraim on Hwy 42. It was a $5/person to play 18 holes which is cheap for mini golf. Some places it is $12 for one.

Like I said Red Putter is old school mini golf with obstacles, draw bridges, and other challenges. It is more than just crooked greens and a few rocks or sand traps to make it difficult. The obstacles is what makes it fun. 

Each hole had a little poem about about the best way to get through the hole and make par. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't.

The hubby may have beat me and took the mini golf champ for 2021 but it was still fun. Even though it was busy, people were patient while waiting for their turn. We had several slow moving families in front of us so we were waiting at most holes. Good thing it was a nice day out.

There are several mini golf places in Door County but this would be my choice simply because it is old school. Check it out the next time you need something to do while in Door County.

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