Thursday, November 12, 2020

7092. Create book folding art

 Back in March I signed up for a book folding class at the Menasha library. Then the pandemic hit and all library classes were cancelled. I really wanted to do this class and was seriously bummed about it getting cancelled. Then I saw that Kaukauna library was offering a take and go book folding art project and I signed up.

Book folding is kind of like origami.  You fold pages in an old book to create a design. I have seen words, hearts, and other shapes. 

It didn't sound too difficult until I read the directions. It still didn't sound difficult unless you can't do math, read a ruler, draw a straight line, or fold a straight line. Then it could be challenging. The real problem with this art form is it is tedious. We used the Measure, mark, Fold Technique (MMF) to make a snail.

First you have to count the ALL pages in the book including the unnumbered pages. Then you have to do math. (Eek). Take the number of pages subtract the number of pages that your pattern requires. Divide that number by two and that's where you start your pattern.

Once the math is done, you get to mark your book (gasp). Each page gets 3 marks -- 2 measurements lines and a fold line. The pattern tells you where to put the measurement lines and the fold line is a ruler width from the spine. My pattern had 187 steps.. That's 561 lines I had to mark in my book. It does go quickly but I did 20 pages a night. I crossed off each page as I did it so I wouldn't lose my place.

After I finished mark all my pages, the real fun began. It was time to fold each page to make my snail. You fold from each mark down to the fold line so 2 folds per page or 374 folds. Again very tedious. The first couple are rough while you figure out the technique. It helps to use your rule to fold the page to match up the lines. Each night I did about 10 pages.. again I probably could have done more but I really didn't want to fold that many more than 10 a night. 

The book does get fat as you keep folding. I used a elastic headband to hold my pages back as I folded. You can also use a rubber band. 

I was pleasantly surprised that it actually looked like a snail since I feared my marks weren't always on the right centimeter or my folds weren't quite lined up. It is currently displayed next to the TV until I find a better home for it.

I would love to do a heart or even the word READ in the future. It may take a while but I actually enjoyed do this project. I just would never use one of my own books. 

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