Sunday, October 3, 2021

Watching weed munching goats

 Twice a year for the last few year 1000 Islands Nature Center brings in goats to help control the invasion species such as buckthorn within the nature preserve. This is a great idea. The goats are hungry and someone doesn't have to keep cutting it down. The goats are only there for about a week in June and another week at the end of September/October. Due to timing, I keep missing them. This year I had a few opportunities to see them. 

I casually mention this to the hubby and he said we could go on Sunday. I was also looking to go on Thursday after we came back from St. Louis. The hubby doesn't like nature or goats for that matter. I am not sure why he wanted to go but hey I didn't have to drive myself to Kaukauna, I'm not going to complain too much.

Even though it was rainy earlier in the morning by the time we got to 1000 Islands the rain stopped but it was still overcast. This helped keep the people away. There were only a handful of other people checking out the goats.

The goats are enclosed and they have handlers that kind of direct them where to nibble. Because they were busy working, they stayed away from visitors. It was nice just watching them and not having to worry about them eating my clothes. There was plenty of buckthorn for them to munch on.

Since the hubby has never really been to 1000 Islands before, we walked the boardwalk for a little bit. It was a nice fall day for a short walk in the woods. The water was way down. 

I'm glad I saw the goats. If you have time next time there are in town, check them out and enjoy some nature. 1000 Islands Facebook Page usually alerts you to when the goats are coming.

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