Friday, October 1, 2021

5043. Explore the cemeteries in Peninsula State Park

 When Stacy and I took the Ghost Trolley Tour in August, we made a couple stops at the cemeteries in Peninsula State Park. Neither of us knew these cemeteries existed. Back when Fish Creek was founded, the land now know as Peninsula State Park was the best land in the area for a cemetery for various reason. The park just incorporated the cemeteries into the properties. 

Since we only heard the stories of the smaller cemetery as there was no parking for the bus, we opted to go back and check them out the next day. Unforeseen circumstances caused us to cut our weekend short. So we decided to head back up to Door County with her kids, the cemeteries were another must do for the day.

Pioneer Cemetery is a small cemetery that unless you know it is there, you will never find it. The trail is small and narrow leading to the cemetery and there is a smaller trail to the left that you have to take to find the cemetery. 

It is an old cemetery of mainly the founders of Fish Creek. There is a small lamb headstone tucked away in the corner which is the grave of Baby Huey who did of TB. This is the grave we went to see. We did leave a few coins in his honor so we did not haunt us.

Blossomburg Cemetery is a much larger cemetery that is easier to access. We spent some time exploring the cemetery on our ghost tour. We decided we wanted to see it in daylight.

However when we got there, people were there. We looked at each other and decided we really didn't need to explore this one. Besides it is easier to find if we want to hit again in the future.

If you are into ghost stories, dead people, and old cemeteries definitely check out Pioneer Cemetery on your next hike in Peninsula State Park. It is a hidden gem with a really cool tree trunk you can sit in. 

Just don't dance on the graves.

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