Sunday, September 4, 2022

AP US Mini Golf Tour 2022 -- Keystone, SD

The AP US Mini Golf Tour continues. This time in South Dakota -- a state neither of us has been to prior. Going to a big touristy area, I knew I'd find several options for mini golf. It turns out our hotel had a mini golf course so that was an option. Then I found a place in Keystone that looked interesting -- Holy Terror Mini Golf. It said it was a challenge and not for the faint of heart.

The hubby said we were only playing this course because I liked the name. Honestly I didn't even noticed the name when I first discovered it. I saw that it was a challenging course and figured it was right up the hubby's alley. They advertised that you would be yelling mulligan. 

Challenging is an understatement. The course had your climbing stairs and going down hills to complete each hole. The real kicker was that majority of the holes were on top of very slight incline. The green may have been flat but to get the ball in the hole, you had to hit it just right or it would roll down the other side. VERY FRUSTRATING.

The hubby who usually can shoot near par kept using 4+ strokes to get it in the hole. This course didn't even have a par which tells you how messed up it is.

I did manage to get the only hole in one even without a mulligan. Alas even with that hole in one, I lost by one. I am currently 1-2-1 for the season. I have a slight hope that we will get another round in when we go to the UP at the beginning of October if the course in Munising is still open and we have time. Otherwise it is another losing season for me.

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