Saturday, September 24, 2022

5550. Go to the Friendship Garden in La Crosse

 Stacy and I planned a trip to western Wisconsin for Girl's weekend this year. We based ourselves out of La Crosse. Like usual, I send Stacy our tentative plan and then a list of other things to do in the area. After perusing the list and trying to figure out breakfast, we opted to go to the Friendship Garden in La Crosse before crossing the Mississippi to explore parts of eastern Minnesota.

Riverside International Friendship Gardens are a free botanical-type garden with plants from the various La Crosse sister cities across the world. They are located in Riverside Park and are open 6 am to 11 pm daily. 

The seven cities that are represented are 

Luoyang (China)

Forde (Norway)

Friedberg (Germany)

Dubna (Russia)

Epinal (France)

Bantry (Ireland)

Kumba (Cameroon)

Each garden features two to four features. Some of them are statues others are natural features.

We strolled through the gardens. Stacy was to gardens before so she let me guide us through the gardens. I think we it all of it. It is not very big but quite a place of beauty, especially early in the morning.

We also checked out the bike path mainly to see where it took us. We were confused by the crooked path but decided that it was deter speeding.

It was a great choice for a first stop of the day. The Friendship Gardens are worth checking out when in La Crosse. 

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