Saturday, September 24, 2022

5560. See the Rock in the House in Fountain City

Wisconsin has some unique homes to visit. The House on the Rock, Ten Chimneys, Taliesin, The Heartstone House to name a few. 

Then there is the Rock in the House. Back in 1995 a giant boulder rolled down a hill and into a home. The owners made it a tourist attraction and of course Stacy and I had to go to check it out. 

Rock in the House is located in Fountain City. It is open daily April-October 10-6. It is free to look at the rock in the house. There are no longer self guided tours of the house itself. It is right of the State Hwy 35 or the Great River Road. If you aren't watching for it, you could miss it. 

Since you can no longer go in the house, all you do is walk to the back of the house and look at this giant rock that came rolling into a house. Then look up the hill and wonder where in the heck that boulder came from and no one heard it coming. 

We did peek in the windows of the house which is left how it was on that fateful day in 1995. 

It may be a bit weird but it was a fun stop. Check it out if you are ever find yourself driving through Fountain City. Just don't bottom out your car getting out of the parking lot.

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