Sunday, September 4, 2022

4354. See the Falls in Sioux Falls

 When planning our vacation this year, I was torn between two stops and gave the hubby the choice. We could either to to Pipestone National Monument in Pipestone, MN which was slightly out of the way or we could see the falls in Sioux Falls. The hubby went with the falls in Sioux Falls. As much as I wanted to see Pipestone it really wasn't feasible this trip and I knew the hubby wasn't all about the mile walk around the monument so I wasn't upset by his choice.

To view the falls in Sioux Falls, you need to go to Falls Park which is right in town. Falls Park is open 5 am to midnight every day. This was also point in their favor as I would not have gotten my passport stamp at Pipestone since we would be there before the visitor center opened. No stamp needed here.

The Big Sioux River flows through the park cascading over 100 feet of waterfalls in a urban setting. After seeing how the low the river was in town, I was surprised to see the falls were actually full of water.

There is a trail that loops through the park with several viewing areas. We did not follow the entire trail. 

We walked to the bridge and viewed the falls from the bridge

Then we headed back towards the parking lot and viewed the falls from the viewing area near the car. There are signs along the trail about the falls and the area.

There is also a tower inside the visitor center that you can view the falls from. The visitor center is open 10-9 daily. Since we were there before it opened we just walked the trails.

If you are passing through Southeast South Dakota and need a stretch break, this is a great family and pet friendly option. The scenery is beautiful and it is easy to get to. There is plenty of parking and you can make it a quick stop or a long stop. 

I am glad the hubby picked this stop. I secretly wanted see the falls more than Pipestone but the National Park Geek in me wanted another stamp. Even the hubby was impressed. Who can go wrong with waterfalls?

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