Wednesday, September 7, 2022

945. Go to the SPAM museum

 The SPAM Museum ended up on the bucket list thanks to Rick and Shannon. The day after their wedding, the rest of the family is having breakfast at Denny's and as we are walking out I stop at the travel brochures. I spot one for the SPAM Museum and grab it. That was 20 years ago. Since were going back through Minnesota, I convinced the hubby we were stopping at the SPAM Museum.

The SPAM Museum is exactly what it sounds like.. a museum all about SPAM -- the meat product not annoying emails. Although an annoying email museum could be just as entertaining. It is located in downtown Austin, MN. It is open year round and free to visit. 

As you enter the museum, you get your tickets and stickers. Then you can try a sample of SPAM. I did not as I did not know how long it was sitting there and it was still over 4 hours home. Then we were off to explore the museum.

I'll be honest we kind of rushed our way through the museum. I don't think either of us was overly interested in the history of SPAM. I do have to admit the exhibits were very well done and very informative. 

There were exhibits featuring SPAM from different parts of the world including Hawaii. 

A Military Exhibit featured SPAM through out the various wars it helped supply.

I particularly liked the SPAM musical instruments.

Like the mustard museum, it is one of those places you should check out if you are in the area but don't need to plan a trip just to go there. It is interesting enough that it is worth the stop. Besides where else can you buy SPAM socks?

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