Sunday, September 4, 2022

4340. Go to Badlands National Park in Interior

Being the National Park Geek that I am, I tried to fit in as many National Park sites as time allowed. Badlands National Park was perfect for this trip. It was an alternative to take I-90 and you could drive SD 240 through the park and end up at Wall Drug.

Badlands National Park is located in Interior. It has two entrances, the NE Entrance in Interior and the Pinnacles Entrance in the NW near Wall Drug. It is $30/car for 7 days or if you have the National Park pass you get in free. If you are planning on visiting more National Park sites in and around South Dakota, I would get the National Park Pass since it's $80 and is good for a whole year. 

There are plenty of overlooks to stop at and trails to hike. We stopped at many overlooks so I could take pictures. The formations were unbelievable. The yellow rocks was my favorite.

This is probably one of my favorite loops we've driven. There are not crazy switchbacks to get to the loop. The park is almost right off the highway so you are not wasting time trying to get to the park when you're on a time crunch. There is plenty to see right from the car and don't have to get out. It would rank up there with the Painted Desert/Petrified Forest as my favorite National Park drives to date.

It is 104 out. We did not do much hiking. I was afraid my flip flops would melt to the ground. I wanted to hike the Notch Trail which is a trail with a ladder at the end but not in that heat. We did walk part of the Window Trail. It was the only time the hubby got out of the car. That is a nice trail.

We did not see any wildlife. There is mountain goats, buffalo, prairie dogs, and wide variety of birds and other wild life. Like usually we did not see even a squirrel. We saw some birds but no buffalo or goats. I think they smell me coming and go hide. 

I've talked to several people that are not impressed by the Badlands and others that are in awe with it.  We thought they were amazing and can't wait to go back. It is a personal preference but The Badlands are definitely worth checking out at least once even if you are not into hiking. 

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