Monday, September 5, 2022

5669. Go to Devils Tower National Monument

 When we started planning this trip last year, I was telling my boss about where we were going and explaining that we would go through Wyoming to Colorado. The hubby overheard this and asked if we could go to Devils Tower if we were going to Wyoming. I told him it was a 2 hour detour and the ball game started at 2:10. He was like we can leave at 4:30. 

That is how I ended up at Devils Tower just as the sun was coming up. The hubby wanted to see Devils Tower ever since his buddy told him about it and wasn't going to let a 2:10 baseball game get in his way.

Devils Tower is a butte that towers over 1200 feet in northeast Wyoming. It is sacred to Native Americans.

Devils Tower is open year round and around the clock. Since we had the National Park Pass, we didn't have to worry about paying via a QR Code since we got there before the entrance attendants were even awake. 

We were not the only ones in the park at the crack of dawn. Several climbers were getting geared up to make the technical climb up Devils Tower. There is a path around the base of Devils Tower but if you want to actually go to the top you need to scale it with ropes. 

We didn't even walk the path. I was a bit disappointed the hubby just literally wanted a picture and we could leave. I got my stamp, he got his picture. 

We also stopped along the road out of town to get some more picture of Devils Tower from various angles. Sunrise was a bit hazy so it wasn't as pretty as I thought it was going to be. Sunset is supposed to be gorgeous.

Devils Tower was the one place we actually saw wildlife. We saw deer, both white tale and mule deer, and prairie dogs. There was an eagle in a tree that I didn't get a picture of.

If you are ever in South Dakota take the detour to check out Devils Tower. It is worth the detour. Spend time exploring the path and learning about the sacredness of the place. I hope to get back one day so I can walk the path and climb some boulders but at least I got to see it.

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