Sunday, September 4, 2022

4330. Go to Wall Drugs in Wall

 When planning our South Dakota trip, the hubby said he wanted to go to Wall Drug. I just rolled my eyes However when he suggests something I know I have to fit in the schedule especially since he usually goes along with what I want to do. 

Wall Drug is an iconic stop in South Dakota. It has been around since 1931 and ever since 1936 it has been luring people to their drug store with catchy signs on the freeway along with 5 cent coffee and free ice water. I counted over 75 of them from the time we got on I-90 to the time we got to Wall Drug.

Wall Drug is more than a drug store. It is a gift shop, diner, and an indoor mall. There is even a book store. It is also crawling with tourists checking out what Wall Drug is all about. The line for ice water, coffee, and donuts was longer than I wanted to wait in. So no donuts or water for us. 

There is also a backyard with a giant jackalope. 

If it is too hot outside and the splash pad is not your thing, you can head inside and check out the Mining Company, Arcade, or Emporium all which is open seasonally. Make sure you stick around for the T-Rex feeding. If the Backyard would have been open, it would have made the experience much better.

This was not a highlight of my trip. The hubby said "You can keep Wall Drug". There were too many people lining up for t-shirts and free ice water. The backyard was not that exciting since everything was closed. We enjoyed browsing the other shops that were less busy around the town square. 

Even though we were not impressed with Wall Drug, everyone needs to stop there at least once just to say they have been there, get their free water and bumper sticker. 

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