Sunday, August 11, 2019

Pie Tacos for Breakfast

Stacy asked her friend for restaurant recommendations and Hubbard Avenue Diner was a suggestion. Stacy looked into and saw it was the home of pie tacos. Okay you have me sold. So even though we had free breakfast at the hotel, we headed to Middleton for breakfast

Now of course Stacy and I were trying to be adults and actually ordered breakfast instead of pie tacos or even pie. More about the pies and pie tacos later.

I ordered French Toast and Stacy had a scrambler. O.M.G. We got a lot of food. I thought 2 slices of french toast was going to to be 2 triangles.. or no it was four triangles of fluffy, cinnamon-swirl egg bread. I'm not one for cinnamon bread but this was just like eating a flattened cinnamon roll.

Stacy breakfast came with a biscuit that took up the half her plate and weighed a ton. It was a very flaky and delicious biscuit.

Now that we were full from breakfast, we had no room for pie or pie tacos. Hubbard Avenue Diner is known for their pies and pie tacos. Several years ago when I went to the Mustard Museum, someone asked if I was going to get pie while in town. I was like no and then they explained I need to try the pie at Hubbard Avenue. This is how good they pie is.

Instead of just walking out without any yummy pie goodness, we opted for pie tacos to go. They are just what they sound like. Pie crust folded in a taco shaped filled with yummy goodness. I got S'Mores and Stacy got key lime.There were several other flavors to chose form including apple.

The S'Mores pie taco was amazing. Filled with rich chocolate fudge, it was almost too sweet but the graham cracker helped take away from the sweetness.

If you're in Madison, make the trip to Middleton for pie or pie tacos. It will be worth the trip.

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