Saturday, August 31, 2019

6845. Read a John Grisham novel

When mom asked if I wanted any books from the Saukville Library book sale, I provided her a list of authors I liked or was interested in reading. Included on that was John Grisham. I've read James Patterson and really like Lisa Scottoline. I figure I might as well add another legal thriller author to my repertoire and knock off one of the authors of my bucket list.

Surprisingly mom came through and found a copy of The Summons at the sale. It sat in my to read pile and I grabbed it as one of the books to read on vacation.

Honestly it was okay. The plot was a bit odd. There were enough twists and turns to keep me hooked but I felt like I was missing something. There were some interesting characters especially one of the brothers who was an drug addict that thought was left out of the will so he took matters into his own hands.

I never saw the ending coming. Then again I don't usually see many endings coming. I tend to miss the whole foreshadowing thing or don't pick up on clues scattered through the book.

Would I read him again? Probably but there are a ton of books on my to read list so it might be a while before I get around to reading another one of his books.

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