Sunday, August 11, 2019

5062. Go to the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison

The third thing I wanted to do in Madison besides seeing the Historical Museum and the Botanical Gardens was go to the zoo. Henry Vilas zoo is a free zoo in Madison. It is larger than the Menominee Park Zoo in Oshkosh and I've only heard good things about it.

We got to to the zoo in the afternoon. The zoo has a small parking lot The lot was full so we had to find street parking. Luckily Stacy knew the area pretty well and we ended up parking on the otherwise of the park. We were able to cut through the park to get to the zoo. I wanted to go down the shoe slide but there were several kids using it besides I wasn't 100% sure I'd fit in the opening.

Our first stop was were the penguins. Who doesn't like penguins. There were quite a few penguins out and about but none in the water... just hanging in the caves.

We checked out the giraffes next. Their enclosure was weirdly fenced and I couldn't get any really good pictures based on the fencing. The two giraffes just wandering in circles in their enclosure.

Then we took a journey to Africa and saw several lions (two males on the same rock) and the rhino. The tigers were not there today.

On our way to the polar bear, we saw some llamas and a camel.

The polar bear was exciting. He was pacing back and forth in front of the glass. Periodically he would growl. I kind of wanted to take him home.

We also checked out the seals, giant tortoises, and flamingos on our to the primates.

I was disappointed in the primates. Hardly any of the primates were on display. The orangutan was quite active though climbing all over his enclosure.

Overall Stacy and I probably spent maybe an hour at the zoo. We didn't have any kids with us and Stacy has been to the zoo several times. I'm one of those "oh look a giraffe. Oh cool. Let's move on" kind of people. I really don't spend time watching the animals. You can definitely spend a lot more tie there. There is a nice children's zoo as well. We skipped that as well as the birds. I would recommend the Henry Villas Zoo to anyone when in Madison. It is a great free zoo.

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