Saturday, August 17, 2019

4281. Eat at Miss Bobo’s in Lynchburg

When the hubby said he wanted to go to Lynchburg, I immediately thought of doing lunch at Miss Bobo's Boarding House. I first learned about this place while reading Wanderlost: shots of Literary Tequila for the Restless Soul by Simon Williams. Because of the crazy things the Australian did on his travels, I wasn't sure if the place still existed. A quick Google search confirmed it was still thriving.

Miss Bobo's Boarding House is a former boarding house that was ran by Miss Bobo in the late 1800s and Mr Jack ate many of his meals. It is only open for lunch with several seatings a day Monday through Saturday. Meals are served family style in nine different dining rooms. It was a bit pricey for lunch ($25/person) but was worth it.

Each table seats 8-10 people with a host who explains the rules of the meal along with the history of Miss Bobo's and Lynchburg. The main rule of the meal is pass to the left. We were lucky that we were at a Lazy-Susan table and once we initially rotated everything to the left, we could rotate the Lazy-Susan either direction for refills.

We had a traditional southern meal of fried chicken, pulled pork, baby red potatoes, tomato casserole, green beans, fried okra, homemade rolls, and fried apples with Jack sauce. Dessert was fudge pie with Jack Spiced whipped cream. Our host was like you have to try more than that when I passed on a couple of dishes. I did try the okra but refused to touch the tomato casserole. The apples were amazing. The hubby said the pulled pork was delicious. The only downside was beverages was water, coffee, or iced tea.

I am glad we splurged for this lunch. I won't do it as part of the Jack Tour though because I can't justify a $50 "gift". The tour and lunch is $100... the tasting tour is $25.. lunch is $25 which means the gift has to be worth $50.. probably a bottle of Jack.

If you ever find yourself heading to Lynchburg, I would highly recommend lunch at Miss Bobo's. Make sure you get reservations ahead of time.

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