Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Historical Pub Crawl

The History Museum at the Castle has a historical walking tour series they do every summer. I really wanted to do the Bootleggers one but it was cancelled due to lack of participation. I was able to pick any other one and went with one of the pub crawls, specifically to find out where Joe McCarthy liked to frequent and maybe even some of the gangsters like Dillinger would stop.

The tour featured four bars on the East End of College Ave. At each location we learned a bit of the history of the bar and then had time for a drink... well if you are a quick drinker (only about 20 minutes to drink).

The bars we hit were Dr. Jykyll's, Jim's Place, The Ambassador, and Bazil's Pub.

The history at all the bars was pretty much so and so opened this bar and then sold it it to this guy. It is now owned by so and so. I want the nitty-gritty inside scoop of each place. I never did find out where Joe McCarthy frequented or if Dillinger stopped by any of the bars.

I did hook up with a couple older ladies and we spent out time talking at the first two bars while everyone was enjoying a drink or socializing. We actually sat outside on the patio at Dr. Jekyll's.

One of the ladies did buy us a round at the Ambassador. I am not one for beer but they did carry some interesting names that I would have tried if I didn't spy the Pear Cider on tap. I had Wyder's Resosado Pear Cider and it was probably one of the best hard ciders I've tried.

There were a few interesting things to note from our pub crawl.

1. There is a pink telephone in the Ambassador

2. Houdini Plaza is where Houdini's family home once stood when they lived in Appleton.

3. The ceiling at Bazil's has decorative tiles created by brides and grooms and casts of Broadway shows that come to town.

I really didn't learn anything worthwhile on the walk. I honestly regret even going on it. I felt like it was a waste of time except for the nice ladies. The guides tried.. don't get me wrong but it was just boring history. I know the curator and museum educator are new to the museum and are working through revamping the History-on-the-Go walks so hopefully next year will be better.

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