Saturday, August 10, 2019

5065. Go to the Wisconsin’s Veteran’s Museum in Madison

One of the things I didn't plan on doing was visiting the Wisconsin's Veteran's Museum. Yes, it was on the bucket list but it wasn't high on my priority list. However, when Stacy suggested it I figured why not. It was free after all and we had some time to kill.

This little museum on State Street across from the Capitol is a wonderful piece of history that pays tribute to our veterans. The museums spans from the Civil War to the War on Terrorism. The artifacts are similar that you see in other military museums but it is still has another story to tell. That is what is great about military and/or veteran museums there is always a story to tell.

There was a cannon to great you when you entered the exhibit hall and a few airplanes/helicopters hanging from the ceiling.

I really enjoyed our stop at this museum. We didn't spend much time here because again it is not large... one or two displays for each of the 8 war featured. I'd say check it out when you're in Madison next. It was probably one of my favorite things from the entire weekend.

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