Sunday, September 6, 2015

Canton Car Museum

When planning our time in Canton, we were looking for something do in the morning before we left town besides the Football Hall of Fame. I wanted to William McKinely Museum and Presidential Library. The hubby wasn’t very keen on that idea. So I googled tings to do in Canton. One of the things that came back was the Canton Classic Car Museum. I knew the hubby would go for that and I was right.

For $7.50 person, it is totally worth it even if you don’t like cars. The museum is filled with other treasures besides old cars.. old signs, toys, dolls, mannequins, lunch boxes just to name a few. For the kids, there is a scavenger hunt to find some of the more obscure items. I managed to find 2 out of the 8.

The original owner of the cars liked Packards and Cadillacs. There were also a handful of other cars like a Model T. There was an old Canton Police Car, hearse, and even a fire truck. The fire truck was really neat since it wasn’t repaired and left as is. I am not a car gal so I don’t know years or makes that well. If the car/truck looks “cool” I like it. I don’t spend time oohing and aahing over the make/model/year and other fine details. There was a boat/car – one of those European cars that could also be a boat.. complete with a propeller.

There were at least 4 rooms full of cars and other relics. If you have an hour or so to kill in Canton, check it out. It is a gem of a museum. Parking is free in the lot next to the museum. The employees are very friendly and knowledgeable. It was definitely the hubby’s favorite place on the trip and one of mine as well.

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