Friday, September 4, 2015

#943 Go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Besides The Lucy and Desi Museum, the other thing I really wanted to do on this trip was go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Jamestown is only about 2 hours from Cleveland and on our way home. However, I was concerned because the hubby isn’t fond of Cleveland but he readily agreed.
I am not a big Rock and Roll fan. I barely know any current bands let alone bands from the past unless they are VERY FAMOUS. Despite my lack of knowledge of music in general, this just one of those places I had to see at least once.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is downtown Cleveland, right on Lake Erie and is very easy to go to. Parking is a bit of a problem. The website said to park in the Science Museum parking garage but the signs weren’t very clear on getting to the garage. We never got lost but it was just annoying not having clear directions. Parking was $9 for the entire day as long as you got your pass validated at the hall of fame, otherwise it is $11.

Admission to the Hall of Fame was $22/person plus tax. It came out to about $50 for the two of us. If we wanted to also visit the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, it was another $36 for both of us, which was about $6 savings if we bought the tickets separately. Since we’ve been to the Football Hall of Fame on our last trip, we decided to skip it this time.

Was the Hall of Fame worth $22? I think so. There are a lot of cool artifacts from various bands and artists spanning different decades and regions of the country. Of course Elvis, the Beatles, and a few others had their own displays. The coolest thing, for at least the hubby, was not in the Hall of Fame but outside. Johnny Cash’s tour bus was on display. He got to touch the bus. He said I wasn’t worthy.

Instead of busts or plaques, the inductees in the Hall of Fame get their signatures engraved into the wall. It is very cool. At least they are in alphabetical order so it makes finding your favorite Artist or band easy to find. I was amazed to see who was all inducted, especially Hank Williams.

We did grab lunch before getting to the Hall of Fame because I was worried about not having a restaurant or it being outrageously expensive. There is a small restaurant that had reasonable prices for a museum. The menu wasn’t very big but it would have been doable if we had to. The restaurant over looks Lake Erie and you can eat outside if you want.

Even if you are not rock fans or if you have spent your childhood under a rock, like I did, this is one of those places you have to see. If nothing else just to see the glass pyramid from the outside. The building itself is just that cool. 

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