Saturday, September 2, 2023

4985. Make music on the musical dance chimes in Neenah

 One of the Fox Cities Experiences check in was the Musical Dance Chimes in Neenah. Neenah has several Fox Cities Experiences check ins including the Helen Stuart Trail and Hiram Smith Octagon House I visited earlier this year. Since Danielle wanted to go to Neenah Farmer's Market, I suggested we knock off the remaining downtown Neenah Fox Cities Experiences as well which included the Clock Tower and I thought the painted electric boxes and the George and Abe statues. 

The Musical Dance Chimes are located just outside Neenah Plaza behind where the Christmas tree is during the holidays. It is also where you pick up the Loop the Lake trail from downtown Neenah. I was looking for vertical chimes. When I could find the chimes, we pulled up the app and realized we need to look down. It is built into the ground. Danielle found it first.

There are several songs with the foot steps to follow to make music including Hot Cross Buns and Old MacDonald Had a Farm.

I stuck with the simple one of Hot Cross Buns. It does require a certain amount of coordination which was difficult. 

It was actually kind of fun though stomping on the ground trying to make music. It is definitely worth checking out if you have kids that like to bang on things or just want to be a kid yourself. I really do love public music stations. 

Note: The painted electrical boxes are the ones in downtown Appleton even though Neenah has them too. The George and Abe statues are the ones by the mall not the ones in Neenah. We walk by the Clock Tower on the way to the car. I know only have 2 left in Neenah (Bergstrom Mahler Museum and Doty Cabin) both of which I have been to before and waiting for the right opportunity to go back and check in. 

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