Friday, September 22, 2023

5340. Explore Coal Dock Park in Port Washington

 After I checked out the flamingos, I decided to see where the path off the South Beach Parking Lot led. I had a feeling it would get me back to Coal Dock Park. It sure did.

The path connects Coal Dock Park to South Beach along the back side of the power plant. The path is a paved path probably no more than a 1/4 to 1/2 mile in length. 

There is a side loop that takes you through the Port Washington Avian Sanctuary. I never knew there was a bird sanctuary in Port. I guess once they converted the power plant from coal to gas, a pond was put in and wild flowers grew into a safe haven for birds and bugs alike. No pets or bikes are allowed. It is only a short loop with benches to sit on. The path is crushed gravel. Of course I walked it in flip flops. It is a nice little nature walk.

To actually get to Coal Dock Park, the path crosses a bridge. I love bridges. This one leads over the channel that leads to Lake Michigan. It would be a fun picture spot.

Once I got back to Coal Dock Park, I figured I might as well get my walk in for the day. I walked the path around the park. 

I stopped at the War Memorial trying to find my uncle's stone. I knew it was near the flag pole but I did not find it. I guess I will have to go back and look again.

The views of the lighthouse, downtown Port, and St. Mary's Church never get old. 

I was glad it was such a nice day that I could enjoy my stroll around Coal Dock Park. I did not go up in the pavilion -- wasn't sure if it was open and I was short on time. Overall I walked about 1.33 miles which is my usual walk for the day. 

If you are ever in Port, check out South Beach and Coal Dock Park. Better yet walk the path between the two and check out the avian sanctuary as well. 

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