Saturday, September 26, 2015

#3818. Go to the Paperweight Museum in Neenah

One of the things I have wanted to do for a few years now is go to the Paperweight Museum in Neenah. I call it the Paperweight Museum since it only had paperweights on display at one time. The official name is the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass.  Earlier in the summer, Tara mentioned she wanted to go as well. I had an opportunity to go on a couple of weeks ago and texted Tara asking her if she was free. She was and we made plans to go.

When we arrived at the museum, the volunteers at the front desk were very helpful and explain the entire museum to us as well as the temporary display. We started out by watching a video that was playing about William Morris. His work was on display in the museum.  He made these large glass blown bowls and vases with animals on them. The video was very informative to show how he made his pieces.  Personally I think the chipmunks were overkill but the vases and bowls were really cool.

After we finished with William Morris Collection, we went to Mahler Hall. In there was a bunch of glassware for Germany mainly from Mid-Evil times. The Mahlers were into Old German glassware and this was their collection. I personally liked the case with the Bavarian glasses.

Next we saw what I came to see – Paperweights. There were 3 rooms full of paperweights of all shapes and sizes. The only other place I know of that has that many paperweights is the Art Museum in Chicago. Many of the paperweights were flower designs but here and there were other designs.

In one room, the museum was considering changing the display cases and asked our opinions. I thought that was a very cool idea – get the input from the people actually seeing the displays. I liked the new display much better. Instead of lighting the entire case from overhead, the paperweights were to be lighted from overhead individually with a black backing instead of white -- very classy and modern looking.
After touring the museum, we stopped in the gift shop. I was looking for ornaments but apparently the end of summer wasn’t the time to buy ornaments. I have one from the museum I got as a Christmas gift from work. I wanted more even if it didn’t go with my baseball tree.

Admission was donation only and they suggested $6 a person.  The museum was well worth visiting even if you are not into art museums. I discovered why I don’t like most Art Museums. Most Art Museums feature paintings and other 2D artwork. I prefer 3D art. They say children are welcome. However, I think most kids would be bored and there’s always the risk of breaking something when you get kids and glass objects together. 

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