Sunday, September 24, 2023

5408. Visit the Benjamin Church House in Milwaukee

 When planning Doors Open, Stacy said she added a few things to the list one of them being the Benjamin Church House. I looked into it and decided that even if we didn't get to it, I needed to add it to the bucket list.

The Benjamin Church House also known as the Kilbourntown House was built in 1844 in Kilbourntown -- one of the three townships to become Milwaukee. The House is open Sundays June-September 10-2. The house has been relocated from Kilbourntown to Estabrook Park just off of Capitol Drive. There is a small parking lot by the house. There was Germanfest going on at the same time so parking was at a premium.

The house is Greek Revival Style home. You enter into the living room. The dining room and kitchen are directly behind it. The bedrooms are on either side. Benjamin Church, his wife, and 6 children lived in the small house. Prior to going into the house, we learned the history of the house.

The furnishings are not original but period accurate from the 19th century. There are also maps of the what Milwaukee looked like back before it became Milwaukee.

This is definitely a charming little house that you should check out sometime. This is what I like about Doors Open, you find random buildings that you would normally not know about. 

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