Friday, September 22, 2023

7049. Make homemade applesauce

 Mom has been making homemade applesauce for years. She has an old school Chinois and pestle that has used for as long as I remember. This year I offered to go home and help make applesauce.

She had the kettles of apples cooking with sugar when I got there. We had to wait until they were mush before we could make the applesauce.

Once the apples were cooked down to mush, she would spoon the apple mush into the Chinois and I would stir it around get out all the sauce I could from the mush. Our applesauce is a lot runnier than most by doing this. We don't really like chunky applesauce.

I though the mashing of apples through the Chinois was going to be hard work but it was not that bad at all. It went quicker than I expected and mom said I had a lot less waste than she ever had. I must be all those 2 lb. weights I've been lifting.

The last step is to cook it again and add cinnamon hearts to it to give it a nice pink color. Why we do this? I have no clue but we always have had pink applesauce. 

Oh wait, the is one more step. We had to bag it all up. Mom also found this bag holder gadget somewhere and it makes filling the Ziplock bags a breeze.

Each bag held about 1-2 ladles of applesauce. We ended up with about a dozen bags of applesauce and 10 containers for the kids for their lunch. Mom said she needs to make more.

It was not as bad as I thought it would be. It was pretty easy and I am planning on helping again. 

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