Friday, September 22, 2023

6589. See flamingos

 After mom and I were done making applesauce, I was scrolling through Facebook and saw that there were flamingos in Port. I thought that was a bit odd and didn't think much of it until I get to another post from WISN saying there were flamingos in Port and it was posted a minute ago. If the news is telling me there are flamingos in Port, there must be flamingos in Port. I told mom and dad that I was going to check out the flamingos.

I have seen flamingos at the zoo and at Disney World both places you expect to see them. I don't think I ever really saw one in the wild especially not in Wisconsin. I had to go check it out.

The flamingos were at South Beach. Growing up in Port, there was only one beach by the water filtration plant. That beach is known as North Beach. I don't even know if it had a name growing up. It was just full of stinky, dead fish. Luckily my brain remembered the post said South Beach so I read the signs as I got close to downtown to see if I find a sign pointing me to South Beach. Sure enough, by the old Police Station there was sign telling me to turn right to get to South Beach. It turns out South Beach was by the power plant.

The parking lot at South Beach is tiny and everyone was down there to catch a glimpse of the flamingos. Not finding a place to park and not wanting to risk a ticket parking on the side of the road, I headed back up the road hoping to park in the Coal Dock Park parking lot. I got the last spot. My last resort was to find street parking. The walk was only about 2 or 3 blocks. 

Sure enough in the water of Lake Michigan there was a flock of flamingos. 5 flamingos.. 3 adults and 2 juveniles. The juveniles were not yet pink. 

People were just hanging out and watching the flamingos. It was a nice day for the middle of September to be at the beach and some people were taking advantage of that. 

The flamingos were a sight to be seen. I probably was down there for about 5 minutes. Really, how long can you watch a flock of flamingos. I mean they are birds. They do bird things. I just am not one to stand around and wait for birds to do bird things. I came, I saw, I got my pictures, and I left. 

Who knows what animal encounter I might have next. The hubby and I always joke on vacation that I scare the animals away because there are animal crossing signs but we never have seen an elk or panther or whatever animal is supposedly in the area. We never even saw buffalo in South Dakota. One day I'm sure I'll have another animal encounter when I least expect it because who would have thought I would see flamingos in Port.

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