Saturday, September 16, 2023

Draco the Pet Rock Snake

 As Danielle and I were strolling through downtown Neenah in search of musical chimes, we passed a flower bed where Draco the Pet Rock Snake was residing. I told Danielle I needed to add to Draco.

Apparently community Pet Rock Snakes are a thing. If you search Tik Tok or Facebook for Pet Rock Snakes, there are several pages and posts about them. I vaguely remember seeing something on Future Neenah's Facebook page about Draco. 

Draco is a "snake" made of painted rocks. The community helps by adding a rock to it. It was pretty long when we first saw him. Draco is located in front of Smile Creations SC.

I really meant to paint a rock to add to Draco. I found a rock that was perfect for the design that I wanted. However, I just ran out of time. I ended up using on of the Mandela dot rocks I painted in Kaukauna last year.

After I ran the Fox Cities 5K and we checked out the farmers market, Danielle walked to add to Draco. It was a lot farther down than I remembered.  We left another rock at the end of Draco and hiked back to car. 

If you are looking for a fun activity before winter sets in, find a smooth rock paint it and add to Draco. Or start one in your yard. 

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