Monday, August 13, 2018

Lunch at Cozy Dog Drive In

I've seen the sign for this place and seen several pins on Pinterest about it. I wanted to try it out. I knew the hubby would like it since it's a drive in.

The Cozy Dog Drive In in Springfield is your classic Route 66 drive-in... except that the name is misleading. It is no longer a drive in. It has a drive thru but otherwise you'll have to go inside to eat. There are about 15 tables (maybe) in the whole place. You order at the counter and wait for your name to be called. As people finished, there was always someone to take their place but no one was really ever waiting for a table.

As the name suggests, the Cozy Dog Drive In features corn dogs and hot dogs along with burgers and a few other things. I wasn't brave enough to try a corn dog just in case I didn't like it. I'm picky about my hot dogs and not a huge fan of corn bread. The burgers were wonderful.. fresh beef, made to order, and flattened. The fries were shoe string fries.

I didn't realize it at the first but you could put vanilla or cherry flavor in your soda. They even sold their own soda.

The retro memorabilia was classic of Route 66 diner and was fun to look at.

If you are in the Springfield area and need a lunch spot (or even breakfast since they do serve breakfast), I would highly recommend this place. I'm glad we stopped even if parking was difficult.. luckily there was a Walgreen's next store.

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