Monday, August 13, 2018

Stadium Tour 2018: Kauffman Stadium

When the hubby decided he didn't want to do a Babe Ruth World Series this year, I gave him the option of Kansas City or Cleveland for vacation secretly rooting for Kansas City. He wanted to do Kansas City as well.

My cousins actually live in Kansas City and one of them text me back in May asking if I got my tickets yet because the Royals were having a "no fees" special through the next morning. So we got our tickets to see the Royals play the Blue Jays.

Fast-forward 3 months and yesterday the hubby tells me Danny just got called up for the Blue Jays and will be the starting catch tomorrow. Danny is from Appleton and the hubby umped him as a kid. I watched him play in the 14 year old Babe Ruth World Series in Appleton. We are both beyond excited to be able to see his major league debut.

Kauffman Stadium is just outside of downtown Kansas City. Getting in and out of the parking lot was a piece of cake. It's actually easier than Miller Park.

Kaufman Stadium has great amenities for kids including a carousel and mini golf. I couldn't get the hubby to play mini golf with me.

One of the first things we did was check out the Royal's Museum. I love when a stadium has a museum in it and it's free. The memorabilia was very cool and we even got to see the World Series Trophies.

The water fountain in the outfield is amazing. It dances between innings and is lit up. Our 101 Baseball Places book lists this water show at Kauffman Stadium as No 36. Not only can you see it from the your seats but you can actually walk behind it. Like most major league parks, if not all of them, you can actually walk around the entire stadium (most minor league parks you can't) so can view the water spectacular from all sides.

Our seats we upstairs...way upstairs. Since we couldn't find the ramp on the way up, we climbed the stairs all the way to the top level. What a work out. I was worried we'd have to go back down to get food but they were enough stands open to get dinner. I ended up having a Sheboygan Brat. They were out of the foot long variety which was fine because that is a lot of sausage. It was just like being back in Wisconsin. The hubby had chicken strips. He said they were really good. We ended up sitting at a picnic table in the smoking area which was fun unless a bunch of people moved closer to us with the cigarettes.

The game itself was not all that memorable with the except of it being Danny's Major League Debut. We ran into his parents on the main level.. mom was a nervous wreck (what mom won't be). Danny ended up going 2 for 3 with a hit on his first at bat. The only thing that would have made the night sweeter is if Gerry Davis, also from Appleton, was the home plate umpire.

Despite my (borrowed) Royals Shirt, I was a closet Royals fan when they stunk, I was rooting Blue Jays for obvious reasons. They were plenty of Blue Jay fans to root right along with us.

All in all Kaufman stadium is a great park. It's a good park to watch a game in. Tickets aren't bad especially if you sit upstairs. I'm sure Kaufmann Stadium will be on the list to go back to if we are in the area and the Royals are in town.

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