Wednesday, August 15, 2018

3242. Go to the Strategic Air and Space Museum in Ashland, NE

I was struggling to find something to do in Omaha for a few hours that the hubby would enjoy. Everything I wanted to do was a quick stop or not up the hubby's alley. I had a few things planned including the BOB and National Park Regional Office but I was at a loss for something "big" to do.

On the way out of the hotel, I grabbed a Omaha guide. I narrowed it down to the Strategic Air and Space Museum (SAM) or the Durham Museum. They both sounded cool but I was leaning towards the Air Museum I explained both places to him. He saw a picture of a B-36 and decided we were going to the Strategic Air and Space Museum. 

The SAM is an museum dedicated to the planes the Air Force used in war.  There are 2 large hangars full of planes. You can also view airplane restoration through a viewing window. Plus there is a small children's play area. 

Although you can't go in any of the planes, you can look into many of them. The sheer size of many of the planes is overwhelming. Some of the propellers are taller than me.

My favorite plane was the Russian MIG just because it was a RUSSIAN plane. Those are just dang cool.

The hubby was awestruck by the B-36. It is ENORMOUS. It took about a good chunk of it's hanger. He was like a kid in the candy store.

Although I've never been to the EAA in Oshkosh (yet), I was greatly impressed by the SAM. The hubby says this is even better than EAA since it is strictly military planes. 

If you are in the Omaha area and zoos aren't your thing, check out the SAM. It is worth the 20 minute drive outside of Omaha to get to it. They might be a winery nearby too in case you need another reason to visit. 

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