Friday, April 3, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- My First Foray into Opera

I stumbled across a video on Facebook for a quarantine opera performance. The original bucket list has "Go to an Opera" on it. I figured this would at least give me an insight into Opera.

The opera is performed on Facebook by Opera singers and musicians via video feeds and then put together as a performance. Every musician and singer is in their own residence.. in their own country.

The performance itself, including introductions, is about 5 minutes so by no means an entire opera. It is just the beginning of the performance I believe it is a part of the Opera "Carmen Habanera".

Personally I am not a fan of Opera. I did not understand anything that was going on. Despite that I was clueless about what was happening, it was still exciting to watch. It liked how the video was put together and actually makes me want to watch more of it. I know, even though I'm not a fan I want to see more to see maybe if I can understand what's going on.

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