Thursday, April 9, 2020

Quarantine Adventures: Brenda Novak Book Launch

Browsing Facebook, I discovered a Facebook Live Event for one of the authors on my to read list. Brenda Novak's new book "One Perfect Summer" was just coming out and she was having a virtual launch party. Okay, I'll bite. I've not read her but the book sounds good and it's women's fiction. Besides I was told there would be prizes.. maybe..

Normally, I don't get to go to these fabulous launch parties or new book tours because they are usually in some glorious warm city in the south or other major metropolis not near me. So due to the pandemic, we are all forced inside thus launch parties and new book tours are going virtual. This makes me excited.

Brenda's launch party was fabulous. Not only did she talk about her new book and give away oodles of fabulous prizes (none of which I won), she had mystery guest authors join her to talk to about themselves and maybe their books. Because Brenda has written both women's fiction and thriller books, she had a wide variety of authors make an appearance. Susan Wiggs and Debbie Maccomber were among the guest authors. Not only did I get to hear some of my favorite authors, but I learned about a few new ones that made my to read list such John Lescroart, Susan Stoker, and Jennifer Snow.

Even though there were technical difficulties, it was a great evening. I did buy "One Perfect Summer" earlier today and started it. I can't wait to finish it and read other of her books.

I have a whole bunch of author events coming up in the next few days and weeks. Some I've never heard of, others I have read. Well at least this pandemic is going to let me connect with some authors I would normally never get to connect with since they don't normally venture this far north. Stay tuned to see which other authors I've discovered and hung out with.

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