Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- Make Zentangles

Always looking for something fun to do while in quarantine, I saw that the Kaukauna library was doing an online art activity. We were going to learn how to make Zentangles. I had no clue what Zentangles were but they sounded cool.

According to Google, "The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. We call these patterns, tangles. ... These patterns are drawn on small pieces of paper called "tiles." We call them tiles because you can assemble them into mosaics." Okay that sounds simple enough.

The librarian showed us a couple different patterns to begin with through Facebook Live.

The circle, the line, the flower, and the diamond were the patterns we were shown how to do.

Basically you draw a square or a tile on your paper. Then you fill it with one of the patterns.

You continue to make as many tiles as you like to fill you page.

We were told to quarter our page to start and then make the tiles in that that quarter.

It's just repetitive patterns to make a cool black and white or color and white drawing.

I did not find it very relaxing at all. I could only do 1 tile at time before my wrist got sore. However, I found the line pattern to be the most fun. The circle pattern wasn't bad either. I wasn't very good at the flower or diamond pattern. I'm sure they are more patterns out there if you Google it.

It was fun. If I come across another art activity at the library that fits in the schedule, I might join the Facebook live event. There are many that are during the day.

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