Saturday, April 11, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- Make Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

The hubby is a big fan of cinnamon rolls.. especially homemade ones. Browsing Pinterest, because what is there to do, I found a recipe for homemade cinnamon rolls that didn't require any yeast or rising time.

The dough is literally 2 ingredients -- self-rising flour and Greek Yogurt.  Self-rising flour was as scarce as yeast. We managed to find a small bag of it at Walmart. I snatched it up.

Mix the flour and yogurt together and then roll out the door.

Once the dough is rolled out, brush with melted butter, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon.

Roll into a log -- tightly. That part is hard. Then cut into slices.

Bake them.

Cool and then frost with an icing.


Yes, they do have a slightly sour taste -- like sourdough. But they are quite tasty. Even the hubby likes them. I will definitely make them again.

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