Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- Virtual Wine Tasting

I saw that one of my favorite wineries was doing a virtual tasting on Facebook Live. I figured I have nothing else to do and decided to check it out.

Vines to Cellar Winery in Port Washington started doing virtual wine tastings every Tuesday night during the pandemic. They would let you know about a week in advance of what wine they would be tasting and discussing. Meaning you should actually pick up the bottle of wine. Hmm.. kind of difficult to do a tasting without a bottle but que sera sera.

This week's bottle was Jacob's Ladder. They talk about how they name their wines. Jacob's ladder is named after their nephew.

Jacob's Ladder is an  Australian Cabernet/Shiraz that pairs well with red meat. I was told it has an intense Cabernet flavor along with chocolate Shiraz under tones. It might be too "red" for me. I am not a fan of dry wines. I prefer sweet and fruity wines. I am willing to try any wine though.

Sine I did not buy Jacob's Ladder ahead of time nor did I already have Jacob's Ladder in sparse wine collection I didn't truly get to taste the wine. I did learn more about the wine and the winery doing the 15 minute wine tasting.

Maybe I will try a virtual wine tasting in the future where I actually buy the wine ahead of time.. otherwise I will just have to wait til the wineries open back up for in person tastings.

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