Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- DJ Palmer Book Launch

I managed to get an Advanced Reader's Copy (ARC) of DJ Palmer's new book The New Husband. I read it in about a day on the way to Arizona. It is an excellent thriller that is somewhat predictable but have enough twists and turns to keep you interested.

When I saw that Gibson Bookstore in New Hampshire was offering a free virtual book launch with DJ Palmer via Zoom. I RSVP'd and was sent a link.

Prior to getting a copy of The New Husband, I never read DJ Palmer before or even heard of him. The cover grabbed me to request an ARC. I never read Daniel Palmer before either.

I learned a few things from this book launch

1. DJ Palmer and Daniel Palmer are the same person. His editor wanted to signal that Saving Meghan was not what came before so DJ Palmer was born. Thanks to Noelle to reminding me of the connection

2. He is a funny guy and has many talents including guitar playing.

3. I can't wait to read more of his books. They are all medical thrillers or thrillers which is fine with me. It's a good break from romcoms.

The Book Launch lasted about an hour but possibly could have gone a lot longer. I am grateful for these bookstores and authors taking the time to doing these virtual book launches. It has allowed me to discover new authors, "meet" some of my favorite authors, and keep me from going stir crazy.

I have a few more book launches coming up in the next few weeks and I'm sure I will find others.

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