Saturday, March 28, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- Jump Around Wisconsin

During the first or second week of this quarantine, someone on Facebook got this brilliant idea to get as many people to Jump Around in Wisconsin to show our Badger spirit and get people outside and moving. Local radio stations around the state along with an online broadcast would play "Jump Around" at 3 PM CST for people to Jump Around. There is a whole Facebook group dedicated to this movement called "Jump Around Wisconsin"

So I put on my Badger Jacket and the hubby's Badger hat and went outside to Jump Around. I set my tablet to play the song while I recorded myself jumping. That video never made the light of the day. Do you know how hard it is to record and jump at the same time...

Things I learned this first week of Jump Around
1. Jump Around is a lot longer than I remember. It's like 4 minutes. That's a long time to jump up and down when you are out of shape.
2. I was the only one on our side of the complex jumping. I felt a bit odd. I kept looking for others.
3. Even though it was tough to jump for 4 minutes, it was a lot of fun.
4. I didn't even take a picture of me in my Badger gear.

I will have to try to jump around every Saturday as long as they do it. I might have to use the live stream of it though in the future. Will you be jumping with me some Saturday afternoon?

Go Badgers!!

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