Tuesday, April 14, 2020

6342. Watch to an episode of the Manitowoc Minute

The Manitowoc Minute is literally a minute-ish long weekly news show about anything that is going on in the world. It is really a comedy news update that is broadcasted on You-Tube and there website. Being from Wisconsin and finding things like this amusing, I always wanted to check it out.

This is something I've wanted to check out but never really got around it since it required me to check out a website or You-Tube Channel neither high on my list of internet goals. You Tube videos are just not my thing.

Then a couple of weeks after the first Jump Around Phenomenon, I saw something posted in the Facebook Group that Jump Around Phenomenon was featured on the Manitowoc Minute. Well, now I have to watch it.

So I clicked on it and watched the video. It was highly amusing. The host, Charlie Berens, did an amazing job at covering a wide range of topics in 15-20 second blurbs including Tiger King, 2 headed goats, Jump Around, and various police reports and Craigslist ads. The whole show was about 5 minutes.

If you are not from Wisconsin, you probably won't find it as amusing as I did but it is still worth checking out.

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