Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarantine Adventures -- Hiking at High Cliff

Since it was nice out and the state parks were free, I convinced the hubby to go to High Cliff for a walk. The hubby isn't a big one for nature or hiking. I could go hiking or walking in nature any time. It is always nice to go outside. I've not been out to High Cliff in over a year or two. It's literally 10-15 minutes away.. probably closer than the Trestle Bridge in Mensaha.

High Cliff was pretty full when we got there in the early afternoon. I knew better than to initially park down by the lime kilns because the parking lot is small and the trails could be muddy. We headed to the upper trails. The were some parking spots available.

Yes, it was crowded but social distancing wasn't that much of a problem. People moved over to let you pass on the trail. Some people wore masks but not many.

We had a nice mile or so walk. We walked about a half mile based on the mile marker and then turned around and came back to our car. That was about all the hubby could handle.

After walking the upper trial, I decided we should go see the lime kilns. That lot was almost full and we were able to snag one of the last spots.

The lime kilns weren't too busy. Everyone walked by to get to the trail.

It was a nice afternoon. Hopefully we can enjoy the trails again.

Note: The state parks were closed later in the week because of over-crowding and vandalism. They will re-open a month later and only if people have passes.

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